IWRT: Why is the doctor ALWAYS late?
Your Doctor FriendsJune 07, 2022

IWRT: Why is the doctor ALWAYS late?

Why can't my doctor run on time? How long am I stuck in this waiting room? Why did that person get to go ahead of me even though I WAS HERE FIRST?? Are they going to forget about me if I go to pee? Can I at least change the channel on the waiting room TV?

Julie and Jeremy have (hopefully somewhat satisfying) answers to these questions in this maiden voyage of the recurring segment we call "Intrusive Waiting Room Thoughts". We come clean as to why doctors suck so much at keeping a tight schedule. Don't worry, we will hold your place in line while you go to pee :)

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@JeremyAllandMD (IG, FB, Twitter)

@JuliaBrueneMD (IG)