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New Episodes

The Hidden Work of Emotional Labor – Why It Matters More Than Ever | The invisible work in our personal and professional lives and it's affect on our health
February 11, 202500:47:49

The Hidden Work of Emotional Labor – Why It Matters More Than Ever | The invisible work in our personal and professional lives and it's affect on our health

Did you know the invisible work that keeps our personal and professional lives running smoothly may also affect our health? We're diving into a topic that impacts every relationship, workplace, and home—emotional labor— and yet it often goes unnoticed, undervalued, and uncompensated. We’re joined by...

Am I at Risk for Heart Disease? What Every Woman Needs to Know About Heart Health | American Heart Month: Preventing Heart Disease, Heart Attacks, Heart Failure
February 04, 202500:34:36

Am I at Risk for Heart Disease? What Every Woman Needs to Know About Heart Health | American Heart Month: Preventing Heart Disease, Heart Attacks, Heart Failure

Heart disease is often thought of as a "man's disease," but the reality is that it affects women just as much—if not more. The problem? Women aren’t getting the information they need to take control of their heart health. Did you know that heart disease is the leading killer of women, yet so many of...

Do Babies Hold the Secret to Preventing Injury? | Dynamic Neuromuscular Stabilization Improves Stability, Breathing and Longevity
January 28, 202501:01:24

Do Babies Hold the Secret to Preventing Injury? | Dynamic Neuromuscular Stabilization Improves Stability, Breathing and Longevity

What if the way you breathe and move could hold the key to a stronger, pain-free, and more efficient body? Enter Dynamic Neuromuscular Stabilization (DNS)—a revolutionary approach to movement, stability, and injury prevention that’s changing the game for athletes, healthcare professionals, and every...

Who We Are

Meet Your Podcast Hosts

Jeremy Alland, MD

Sports Medicine Doctor, Team Physician for the Chicago Bulls, Chicago White Sox and Mount Carmel High School.
Dad, Husband and Dog Lover
Passionate about travel, sports and coffee.
Brand Ambassador for Athletic Brewing and Vuori Clothing

Julie Bruene, MD

Sports Medicine Physician, Team Physician for the Chicago White Sox, Chicago Bulls and DePaul University. 
Likes: Honesty. Cats. The absurd. Accountability. Unexpected animal friendships. Kindness.
Dislikes: Mis/disinformation. Answering the phone. Ambiguity. Bell peppers.

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Our Latest Videos

Stomach Flu PSA
December 12, 202400:00:53

Stomach Flu PSA

Stomach Flu (aka Norovirus) is on the rise! - Wash your hands 🧼 - Clean surfaces 🧽 - Stay Hydrated 🥤 Stay safe out there #norovirus #stomachflu #vomiting #diarrhea #washhands #wintervirus #virus #sick

Plantar Fasciitis Secret Weapon!  #plantarfasciitis
December 03, 202400:01:01

Plantar Fasciitis Secret Weapon! #plantarfasciitis

Struggling with Plantar Fasciitis? Check out this one device that can make a huge difference (and is covered by most insurances). Plantar Fasciitis is a frustrating condition that can last a long time. But there are ways to decrease the pain and improve your function. The dorsal night splint is my s...

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